Pre-Summer Update – My First Novel!

It’s been a really long time since I posted.

I haven’t taken a writing break, though. I’ve been spending every second of my spare time writing my first book. As of today, I finished a semi-polished first draft of the book.

Now that my first draft is done, I’m taking a break from the novel to write some short stories, poetry and flash fiction. Stay tuned for that.

This summer, Luck, will be published in Stinkwaves. It was supposed to be published last fall, but Handerson Publishing, the publishing house that produces the magazine, has been so busy putting out amazing content, that they had to limit publication of their magazine. My story will be published in late summer and that will be the last issue for awhile. I’ll keep you all apprised.

To pass time, here and there, I’ve written some 50 words stories that were published at I LOVE flash fiction and aim to write more of it.

I wrote three pieces for Fifty Word Stories. You can see them here.

Thanks and I’ll try and write more often.